SoFiC Day Conference 2015
Sea of Faith in the Churches (SoFiC) is a special interest group within the Sea of Faith Network that explores the interface between church and SoF, and is open to anyone who is interested.
It provides a meeting place for those SOF members (and their friends) who find themselves in the midst, or hovering on the edge, of the Christian Church
This will be held on Saturday 10 October 10 2015 Kensington Unitarians' Essex Church, London W8 4RT, 10.00am for 10.30am
'Church Going Forward'
Speakers include Revd Dr Diane Rees
(Women leaders in the CoE have particular understandings of their roles. These construals have been investigated by Revd Dr Diane Rees, who will explain to us the outcomes of her soon-to-be-published research.)
and Revd Meg Burton
(Hospital chaplaincy has changed beyond recognition since last century. Revd Meg Burton, long-time hospital chaplain and co-editor of the international Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy has been in the vanguard of these developments and will describe for us the current model. Meg was the chaplain member of the working group that, in response to concerns about the Liverpool Care Pathway, devised new protocols for end-of-life care, and she will tell us about the considerations underlying these.)
Click this link for full Conference details
Click this link for an application form